If you give the session a custom name, then, yes, you'll have to use that
name on every page. $name can be something that in an include file or a
constant, etc, though. Again, you don't _have_ to give a name, though.
There's no real advantage to using another name, though, as it's going to be
sent to the user in a cookie or the URL, anyhow.
[end snip]

well this is true but in the event that the server creates a default name
for that particular session (very large random strings). I am trying to
avoid running into the same session being used twice by 2 seperate people at
the same time.

so the theory is: if i require that the session be named after the persons
login name there is probably 1 out of 2 million chances that it will mess up
the names and get confused (specially if there are only a few users

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