
Newbie warning - this may be extremely simple.

I've been given a bit of code to get to work on our test machines, but at
the moment I'm drawing a blank. As far as I can tell the problem lies in the
dev. using a server environment with "register_globals = On", while we use
the default setting of "register_globals = Off".

The culprit in this seems to be this bit of code:


Which probably works with "register_globals = On", however I'd like to go
with the default and more safe setting of "register_globals = Off".

As far as I understand it I need to replace the two "session_register("*")"
lines with the superglobal $_SESSION, but I'm not sure of the syntax, at
first I tried this:

$_SESSION = "user";
$_SESSION = "pass";

This doesn't work of course, but as I said I'm unsure of how the $_SESSION
superglobal is used, and the info I've found about it didn't shed much
light... I hope I'm just tired today 8-)

Another semi-related question is, is it common to include the username and
password for a site directly in the PHP code on a site... even if it is in
an include file?


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