Take a look at $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']

On Tuesday 23 March 2004 04:50 pm, motorpsychkill wrote:
> This is tricky to explain, so bear with me please.  I have a file like:
> c:\htdocs\project_bunny\includes\config.php
> In my browser address bar, this would look like:
> http://localhost/project_bunny/includes/config.php
> If within this document (i.e. config.php), I had:
> <?php
> //config.php
> define("CONFIG_FILE", __FILE__);
> echo CONFIG_FILE;     //this will return
> "c:\htdocs\project_bunny\includes\config.php"
> ?>
> Now, if I have another file (e.g. rabbits.php):
> <?php
> //rabbits.php
> include("config.php");
> echo CONFIG_FILE;     //this will also return
> "c:\htdocs\project_bunny\includes\config.php"
> ?>
> This is all great up to this point.  What I'm trying to do is:
> <?php
> //config.php
> define("CONFIG_FILE_URL", __URL__);
> echo CONFIG_FILE_URL;         //would return
> "http://localhost/project_bunny/includes/config.php";
> ?>
> So no matter what file I use (like rabbits.php) and I include config.php,
> CONFIG_FILE_URL will always return the url for the config file and NOT the
> file doing the calling (rabbits.php).
> Sorry for the longwinded explanation.  I hope someone can help!  Thank you.
> -m

Evan Nemerson

"There is a certain right by which we may deprive a man of life, but none by 
which we may deprive him of death."


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