Hi Red,

I don't think my problem is caused by debug_backtrace()

Perhaps I'll try apache1.3... I guess for now I'll just lie low so that a
PHP5 debugger will be released, and then I can use that to find out what's
going on. Kind of ridiculous to release something that still crashes, but oh
well... no debugger until it's released officially.


David Chen

"Red Wingate" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
Hi David,

same thing i reported to the PHP-DEV List some time ago ( before RC1
was released ). The problem is the Win32/Apache2 Combination you
are using.

I am not completely sure, but it looks like debug_backtrace(); causes
this crash. Maybe look at my little script for details:


 -- red

Am Donnerstag, 25. März 2004 05:53 schrieb David Chen:
> Hi,
> My application crashes, but I have a hard time figuring out where because
> it only happens periodically.
> For some reason, it only crashes about 10% of the time. If someone who
> knows how to debug PHP could assist me, that would be very nice. You may
> download the package at: http://www.blesys.com/uploads/Web%20app.rar
> After extracting the file, go to the file: test/Test.php
> And keep refreshing until it crashes.
> My system is Win XP Pro with Apache 2 with PHP5RC1 (downloaded 3/24/04)
> This application is an output from a Java->PHP translator. I believe it
> started crashing a month ago (but it could be a feature I added). It's a
> bit slow (takes ~.5 seconds on my computer) because of an OOP persistence
> layer.
> Right now, I include a lineLog.html output to try to find where the crash
> is, but it's not too helpful.
> Thanks.
> David Chen

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