One of my co-workers posted this to PHPBuilder, and I'm posting it here. It's a problem that's baffling the snot out of us. It's an array that you can print_r() from outside an if or switch/case statement, but from inside, it seems unaccessible. His post follows:

Ok Background:

Database: MS SQL

$block_data is pulled from the database and stored earlier on. The datatype of ranges is int.

$events is a multi-dimensional array also pulled from the database.


Whenever I try to print the varible $events inside an ( if ) statement or a ( case ) statement it appers to be blank, or inaccessible.

$myBlock = $block_data[0]["ranges"];
//$myBlock= 6; // Un-comment this and the print_r($events) inside the if statement prints out correctly.
//$myArray = array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5); //Change the print_r($events) inside to $myArray and uncomment this and it works fine.

print_r($events);    // This prints out fine.
if ($myBlock == 6)
    echo $block_data[0]["ranges"]."<br>";    // This has a value of 6
    print_r($events);    // This prints out Array()
print_r($events);    // This prints out fine.

As you see it appears that the problem lies some how with two varibles that are pulled from the database. However, it should not make a difference as they are both correctly set before AND after the if statement.

Any ideas on this i'm lost.


 Ben Ramsey

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