Hello Mike,

Tuesday, March 30, 2004, 6:33:46 PM, you wrote:

MR> require
MR> ("/home/sites/site111/web/news/settings/newsletter.settings.inc.php");

MR> Before I totally lose my mind, can someone point out to me why I would be
MR> getting the error?  The file is there, and named correctly.  I had two other
MR> people in the office confirm the path and filename.

Nothing visibly wrong with your code or path, so time to look "out of
the box" and instead focus on the newsletter.settings.inc.php file -
could there be a syntax error (or similar) in there causing this? Swap
the file for one that does nothing but echo out "included" and see
what happens?

Best regards,
 Richard Davey

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