On Friday 02 April 2004 23:09, Brian Duke wrote:

> If I wanted to use exec() for this project in the future, is:
> (shell_exec ("free -b")) = (exec("free -b", $data ,$result_code))

They're different, see manual for details.

> I tried using exec as
> exec("free -b", $data ,$result_code));
> but I didn't get the $data I was expecting. Are my variables mixed up?

  exec("free -b", $data ,$result_code);

    [0] =>              total       used       free     shared    buffers     
    [1] => Mem:     256917504  249401344    7516160          0   29487104   
    [2] => -/+ buffers/cache:  138973184  117944320
    [3] => Swap:    271392768  150523904  120868864

Works fine for me.

Jason Wong -> Gremlins Associates -> www.gremlins.biz
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