> while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($results)) {
>     $tmp = get_item_reorder_priority($row["item_sku"]);
>     $list[$r]["priority"] = $tmp[0];
>     $list[$r]["sku"] = $row["item_sku"];
>     $r++;
>    }
>    $list = array_multisort($list["priority"], SORT_NUMERIC, SORT_DESC);
> and it returns this error:
>   Warning: Argument 1 to array_multisort() is expected to be an array or a
> sort flag in d://www/inventory_specific.phtml on line 109
>   function get_item_reorder_priority() returns an array - with $tmp[0]
> an integer 1-5
>   $row["item_sku"] is simply a string.

Umm, dunno about anybody else but it appears as if you are missing a

In the array creation:


is used.. emphasis on the [$r] part.

When trying to re-order, you are using just $list["priority"].  missing the
[$r] dimension..


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