Okay, I have it all set to remove ALL tags and their attributes that I don't
want.  Now I just have to strip the attributes from any remaining tags.
Anyone know of something that will strip all attributes from any tag, but
leave the tag in tact?  So <p junk=junk> would be <p> and </p more junk>
would be </p>.  I just need this to work for any tag, no just <p>.  Any
suggestions for this?



"Jochem Maas" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Matt Palermo wrote:
> > I am building a system which allows users to post data.  I want to allow
> > them to use ONLY certain tags such as <p>, </p>, <b>, </b>, <i>, </i>,
> > etc...  I want to allow them to use only these, and then strip out ALL
> > attributes inside the tags.  So if they input something like <p
> > it would switch it to just <p>.  Anyone know of a way this can be done?
> regular expressions, heres an example:
> <?php
> $input = 'this <div>is some</div> <u><b class="haxor">bad</b></u> HTML';
> echo "{$input}\n";
> $input = preg_replace('/<\/?[^pbiu\/][^>]*>/', '', $input);
> echo "{$input}\n";
> $input = preg_replace('/<([pbiu])[^>]*>/', '<\1>', $input);
> echo "{$input}\n";
> $input = str_replace('bad', 'good', $input);
> echo "{$input}\n";
> ?>
> you might also think about stripping <script> tags etc.
> try taking a look at some forum code (e.g. phpbb.com) to see how they do
> it.
> no doubt that some real regexp wizard could perform the above
> replacements in a single regexp but hopefully it gives you an idea... if
> your not yet familiar with regexps then I strongly recommend you read
> the relevant part of the manual - they are very handy things indeed.
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > Matt Palermo
> > http://sweetphp.com
> >

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