Well, here's the long way of doing it that I ended up using! For my
'tournament' date (for a football web site) I have three stored values:
$tournamentDay, $tournamentMonth, $tournamentYear which are evaluated for each

I might work on a neater solution actually!


<th>Tournament Date : </th>
<td><select name="tournamentDay">
  for ($i = 1; $i <= 31; $i++)
    $day = sprintf("%02d", $i);
    if ("$day" == "$tournamentDay")
      echo("<option selected>$day</option>\n");
<select name="tournamentMonth">
  $months = array("", "January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June",
"July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December");

  for ($i = 1; $i <= 12; $i++)
    $month = sprintf("%02d", $i);
    if ("$month" == $tournamentMonth)
      echo("<option value=\"$month\" selected>" . $months[$i] . "</option>");
      echo("<option value=\"$month\">" . $months[$i] . "</option>");
<select name="tournamentYear">
  for ($i = 2001; $i <= 2005; $i++)
    if ($i == $tournamentYear)
      echo("<option selected>$i</option>\n");

-----Original Message-----
From: Andy B [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 07 April 2004 07:38
Subject: [PHP] php and drop down boxes


i have a few things i need and dont know where to go to get some
ideas/examples of how to do some things:

1. i need to know how to take info from a mysql db load it into a dropdown
box and then select as the default choice whatever value was in the db: i.e.
i have a combo box with the month/year. the drop down boxes option values
for the month and year are numbers: for the month 1-12 and for the year:
2004-2038. now when lets say i have the variables: $edit['Month'] and
$edit[Year'] which hold month/year values from the db...now how would i make
those variables the default select choice in the combo boxes??
2. i need to make a combo box of jan-dec and view all. the values for the
drop down box will be 1-12 and 0 (0 is for view all). now the combo box will
need to go to a db search for all relevant records on the month selected and
show them on a page (the only catche is the combo box needs to be visible on
all pages)...

anybody know where i can go to find out how to do all of this??

any searches i tried to do all come back with loading dynamic content into a
box but i dont need that...they never talk about making a default "selected"
state with php and stuff...

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