> I always found this way of inserting data into a database messy. Here is
> a handy function to do array inserts and it builds the sql for you.
> function arrayINSERT($a,$tablename)
> {
> $sql = "INSERT INTO $tablename (";
> foreach($a as $key => $value)
> {
> $sql .= $key .",";
> }
> $sql[strlen($sql)-1] = ')';
> $sql .= " VALUES (";
> foreach($a as $key => $value)
> {
> if (gettype($value) == 'string')
> {
> $sql .= "'". addslashes($value) ."',";
> }
> else
> {
> $sql .= $value .",";
> }
> }
> $sql[strlen($sql)-1] = ')';
> return $sql;
> }
> if you do this :
> $a['field1'] = $blah;
> $a['field2'] = $here;
> $a['field3'] = $etc;
> $sql = arrayINSERT($a,"tablename");
> it builds the sql statement for you.  It covers 99.9% of the inserts
> your likely to need.  I use an update and insert function like this all
> the time. :-)
> Mark
> Richard Davey wrote:
> >
> > $sql = "
> >        tablename
> >        (
> >                 field1,
> >                 field2,
> >                 field3
> >        )
> >       (
> >                 '$blah',
> >                 $here',
> >                 '$etc'
> >       )
> > ";

ok sounds like fun and a way to keep code compacted but say inparticular
that i have an array that needs to be inserted in a certain way?? like
$_SESSION['add'][..] or something of that sort??the $_SESSION['add'] array
elements have to be inserted in a certain order...or is that just a matter
of creating the array in a certain order on the page before it??

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