Justin French said:
> PHP itself is a great templating language :)

I've been studying on this myself.  For some reason I didn't see this (is
it not explained well enough in books/websites/articles?  Dunno.)

I used to code like so (shorthand), mixing business logic with
presentation: <html>
$result = mysql_query ("SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = '".$_GET["id"]."');
$row_array = mysql_fetch_array ($result);
Name: <?=$row_array["name"];?><br>
Address: <?=$row_array["address"];?><br>
State: <?=$row_array["state"];?><br>

This was big trouble with my Front Page developer.  She's a real estate
agent.  She needs something visual and can't spend time learning something
else.  Front Page's PHP plugin was buggy at best.  Enter Smarty.

With Smarty, I was effectively separating business and presentation logic:
$page = new Smarty();
$result = mysql_query ("SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = '".$_GET["id"]."');
$row_array = mysql_fetch_array ($result);
$page->assign("name",    $row_array["name"]);
$page->assign("address", $row_array["address"]);
$page->assign("state",   $row_array["state"]);
Name: {$name}<br>
Address: {$address}<br>
State: {$state}<br>

But one of the original intentions of PHP was as a templating system.  It
just takes a little planning and thinking to use it as such:
$result = mysql_query ("SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = '".$_GET["id"]."');
$row_array = mysql_fetch_array ($result);
$name    = $row_array["name"];
$address = $row_array["address"];
$state   = $row_array["state"];
Name: <?=$name;?><br>
Address: <?=$address;?><br>
State: <?=$state;?><br>

A kool side effect is I don't have to learn another language.  And it's
faster because less code loads on each page launch (Smarty's code must be
loaded on every page load).  At worst, I lose caching features (however
other native PHP options exist, and/or use Zend) and some of the nice
Smarty functions such as html_options (which might be easily replaced by
phpHTMLlib or another widget library).

So while Smarty isn't at all bad, it doesn't appear to be *necessary* to
separate business logic from presentation.  And I don't need to learn
another programming language.

So I may be going back to straight PHP :-)

For more info, read this:

This article is rather rigid, stating that template engines are all bad. 
I just see them as another tool, but not the *must have* I thought they
were before.

Thanks to Jochem Maas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> for helping me open my eyes.


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