CZ> It all depends on the persons dedication on finding them.

I usually just convert them to HTML entities with a function like this:

function spamProtect ($address) {
    $address = str_replace("@", "@", $address);
    $address = str_replace(".", ".", $address);
    $address = str_replace(":", ":", $address);
    return $address;

You can call it with:
spamProtect("[EMAIL PROTECTED]")
spamProtect("mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]")

But, like Curt said, those dedicated to harvesting e-mail addresses can add further complexity to their e-mail harvesting programs and catch these rather easily.

Ultimately, the best way to keep people from grabbing e-mail addresses is not to display them on your Web site at all. This hurts you if you need a point of contact; however, you could use a form that sends a message to a processing script that then e-mails the message to the intended recipient. The e-mail address would never need to be visible to the browser, and so, the harvesters would never get your address.

 Ben Ramsey

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