Am 2004-04-09 19:18:18, schrieb MadHD:
>i'm searching some script that can read e-mails with attachments from an
>account pop3 and that store them in a db.
>Someone can help me?
>Thanks, Heber.

Use fetchmail to get the Mails and forward ist to procmail. 
Here you install a filter like

:0 ci
* ^To.*(MadHD)
| /your/path/to/your/program [ --some-options-possible ]

I have curently around 4,7 Million E-Mails in my postgresql...
And each month around 120.000 more !

Oh yes, I do the job from a BASH-Script and put it into the 
postgresql with a commandline tool. 

Oh yes, before processing I use 

:0 fh
| formail -f -I Received: -I Envelope-to: -I Delivered-to: -I Return-Path:

To kill the unneccesary Headers... and protect my Download-E-Mails 
to become not SPAM'ed, because my postgresql is world readable.

Oh yes, Attachments are unpacked and saved with the Mesage-ID and 
an enhancement on a seperat Web-Server.


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