On 08-Apr-2004 John Nichel wrote:
> Joe Szilagyi wrote:
>> Just a follow up on this one--I've seen where consistently that
>> $HTTP_REFERER will only show local referers, but not stuff from
>> other
>> sites/hostnames. This is on mod_php... any workaround for that?
>> Regards,
>> Joe
> The referrer is sent by the referring machine.  If that machine isn't
> setting it, you can't get it.  If memory serves, I think I remember 
> someone claiming that this could also be blocked at a
> firewall...don't 
> know if that's true or not though.

Not a firewall. The 'Referer' is in the headers, that would mean the FW
would have to edit the stream (~shudder~).

A 'proxy' server on the other hand will re-write headers :

mysql> select url from urls where url not like 'http%' limit 5;
| url                                                      |
| 1.0 TECH002                                              |
| 1.1 wall:800 (squid/2.5.STABLE2)                         |
| 1.0 px2nr (NetCache NetApp/5.5D1)                        |
| 1.0 arnink[D4BB2507] (Traffic-Server/5.2.1-58896 [uSc ]) |
| 1.1 ffm2-t6-1.mcbone.net:3228 (Squid/2.1.PATCH1)         |
5 rows in set (0.00 sec)


mysql> select count(*) from urls;
| count(*) |
|   261511 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select count(*) from urls where url not like 'http%';
| count(*) |
|    69594 |
1 row in set (0.38 sec)

mysql> select 69594/ 261511;
| 69594/ 261511 |
|          0.27 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

So 27% of my hits are by proxy (for this site/month anyhow).

Don Read                                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
-- It's always darkest before the dawn. So if you are going to 
   steal the neighbor's newspaper, that's the time to do it.

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