On 14 April 2004 17:40, BOOT wrote:

> Any help with this would be appreciated. the p and v lnames are
> posted from a form. In the form, the user seperates last names with a
> "/". What I can't understand is why Test1 shows as nothing, while
> Test2 shows the value I wanted. Thanks a lot!
> $p_lnames= explode("/", $p_lnames);
> $_SESSION['element_countp'] = count($p_lnames);
> echo "TEST 1".$element_countp;

Because here, you haven't assigned anything to $element_countp -- you've
only assigned it to $_SESSION['element_countp'].  (With register_globals
Off, the two are not the same.)  If you turned your error_reporting level up
to E_ALL, you'd probably get a warning at this point saying that
$element_countp is undefined.

> $element_countp = $_SESSION['element_countp'];
> echo "TEST 2".$element_countp;

Now you've assigned a value to $register_countp, so you get it output.



Mike Ford,  Electronic Information Services Adviser,
Learning Support Services, Learning & Information Services,
JG125, James Graham Building, Leeds Metropolitan University,
Beckett Park, LEEDS,  LS6 3QS,  United Kingdom
Tel: +44 113 283 2600 extn 4730      Fax:  +44 113 283 3211 

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