"Andy B" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

one question though.... how can you tell if a class or package you are
writting or want to attempt to write has ever been created before??
99.99999% of the time anything i ever thought of for classes/packages to
write are either too simple or the idea has already been created before...

i.e. i want to make something different but dont know how to start with it i

The best projects come from somebody's personal need. Manual Lemos's for example.

I will probably submit my site standardization class and some others after my site has been up for a year and I've gained some market enertia. Also, I've some good ideas for database design I had to figure out that I will include since it makes possible what I am doing. Sooooo, if you can't find what you want, start coding. If everthing you want is out there, supply some prizes for the contest winners :-)

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