According to historical records, on Wed, 21 Apr 2004 12:28:27 +0300 Phpu
wrote about "[PHP] A good search tutorial ":

>Hi there
>I have a site driven by a database and I need a search engine...when someone enter a 
>word the script to search the entire database for that word and return the results.
>Could someone give me the link to that kind of tutorial?
>Please email me asap 

I'd say it largely depends on what kinda data you're searching in, and how
you want it displayed ... 

The search engine I wrote for the CPU database on my site
( does wildcard/free searching in
3 fields in the one table in the database simultaneously, and allows for
selective reduction of the result set and custom sorting of all the 12
columns it displays. (thanks alot btw to everyone on this list and PHP DB
that helped me make this!). It's a few hundred lines long because of the
many options...

My point with mentioning this is merely that depending on how complex data
you want to search in, and how flexible you want to make the search option
... and how you want to display the results of the search, the method of and
approach to  building the search engine differs ...

The code Brent posted is the basic start for the SQL string for the search
engine ... you need to find out what you want it to be able to do and build
it from there ... 

I don't know if my code would help you any bit ... but I'd gladly post it
upon request .... it's just that it's made when I was still a rookie at SQL,
so it's not very elegant, and not very well commented ... and looking at it
now I can find several ways to improve it ...just don't have the time for


Rene Brehmer
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