Brian Dunning wrote:

On Apr 23, 2004, at 10:13 AM, John Nichel wrote:

Brian Dunning wrote:

I STFW and RTFM and I still can't figure out why this returns a 1064 parse error:
SELECT * FROM 'my_table' WHERE ('field_1' LIKE '%$keyword%' OR 'field_2' LIKE '%$keyword%' OR 'field_3' LIKE '%$keyword%') AND 'status' = 'active';
Anyone? TIA!
- B1ff Lamer

What does mysql_error() tell you?

You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ''my_table' WHERE ('field_1' LIKE '%%' OR 'field2'

I think this has been mentioned already, but your field names shouldn't have quotes around them. You should be using back ticks.

*  _  __       __      __       _                      * John  Nichel *
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