Hello Phpu,

Friday, April 23, 2004, 8:26:12 PM, you wrote:

P> I have vBulletin  installed on my site. A few hours ago a
P> friend sent me a link to securityfocus.com.
P> There, it is said that if i have vBulletin installed i could be vulnerable.

P> Here the script shown on the site....


P> The only problem that i have is that i do not know what the script does and how it 

It shows how it's possible to insert potentially malicious code via an
XSS attack and the register.php script.

P> PS: How can i get rid of this? 

vBulletin is commercial, right? So time to use the support package
you've gone and paid for!

Best regards,
 Richard Davey

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