
I have two questions involving Constants.

1. I want to refer to a refer to a Constant by its value (which is unique), and return its name. E.g.,:

        define ("SEND_DS","1");
        define ("SEND_DS_ACK","2");
        define ("RESEND_DS","3");
        define ("STARTUP_DS","12");

For example, if I receive "3", I would like to echo "RESEND_DS"--the name of the constant. Is there a simply way to do this? Or am I better using an Associative Array (which is what I was thinking)? Then I could such refer to an element by its key or value (both of which are unique). I suppose this more of a performance/elegance issue, than outright problem. Just curious what you think.

2. Let's say I have a Constant called MY_NAME, the value of which is "Rene", and I pass it to a function, such as:

function example ($val) {
        echo ???????;

example (MY_NAME);

Such that the output will be MY_NAME. If I echo $val, the output will be Rene. But I want to see the constants Name, not Value. Any ideas?



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