> Are you using a web form?  You can just grab the values from the form if
> that's the case.  But I suppose that you are not doing that, so you
> could just add some variables for username / password as part of the
> query string.  Just realize, you're now sending login info in plain text!
> --
> PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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No, it's not a web form.  I'm trying to include an IP addressed video camera
into my webpage.  The problem is that the video camera is password protected
using htaccess.  I don't have the option to remove the password.

I tried looking through the PEAR auth libraries but I didn't find anything
that *passed* authentication info, but only prompted for it, etc.

I thought there would be a class that would allow me to send the username
and password to a website and then include it, something like the following


$crap = new get_website();


The camera used to be accessible with:

http://joe:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

But it is no longer available via Internet Explorer since the new MS
security updates on most windows boxes.

Thanks again.

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