Hehe, managed to do it on first try. This should do it :

$string = "hello world";
$length = strlen($string);

 $reversed = "";
    $reversed .= substr($string,$length-$i,1);
 echo substr($string,$length-$i,1) . "<br>";
    $reversed .= substr($string,0,1);
 echo substr($string,0,1) . "<br>";

 echo $reversed;
} else echo $string;

I added some errochecking if the string is only 1 character, since there
should be no use in running the for loop then.

Kim Steinhaug
There are 10 types of people when it comes to binary numbers:
those who understand them, and those who don't.
www.steinhaug.com - www.easywebshop.no - www.webkitpro.com

"Kristian Rasmussen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Hi all,
> I need a script for reversing a string ("hello world" becomes "dlrow
> olleh"). I have tried the following:
> ---
> $length = strlen($i);
> $g = "";
> while ($length > 0)
> {
>    $g = $i[$length] . $g;
>   $length--;
> }
> echo $g;
> ---
> With, obviously, no success. Is this the way or could array_reverse()
> somehow be used?
> Kristian

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