Justin Patrin wrote:

Richard Harb wrote:

Uh, I was wrong...

Foreach evaluates only once at initialisation... You can even unset
the array once into the loop and it still works perfectly well (not
that I recommend this as good practice or whatever, just did some
checking to be sure :)


That will work because foreach iterates over a copy of the array. I often do things like:

foreach($arr as $key => $val) {
  if(some condition) {

Just one other thought. For those of you using PHP5, you can change the actual values in an array by using a reference.

foreach ($arr as $key => &$val) {
  if ($condition) {
    $val = $newval;

Putting the & in front of the $val tells PHP to use references, which would change the values of the original array. Just another way to skin a cat :)

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