> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ashley M. Kirchner [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, March 29, 2001 1:56 PM
> To: PHP-General List
> Subject: [PHP] Better way (if...elseif...else)
>     Is there a better way to write the following snippet:
>     if ($priority == "000") {
>       $fcol="high";
>       $pstr .= "<option value=\"000\" selected>High\n";
>       $pstr .= "<option value=\"050\">Medium\n";
>       $pstr .= "<option value=\"100\">Low\n";
>     } elseif ($priority == "050") {
>       $fcol="med";
>       $pstr .= "<option value=\"000\">High\n";
>       $pstr .= "<option value=\"050\" selected>Medium\n";
>       $pstr .= "<option value=\"100\">Low\n";
>     } else {
>       $fcol="low";
>       $pstr .= "<option value=\"000\">High\n";
>       $pstr .= "<option value=\"050\">Medium\n";
>       $pstr .= "<option value=\"100\" selected>Low\n";
>     }
>     I just hate having to repeat pieces of code.  This piece here just
> generates a drop down list of items, with the current one being the
> selected one.

$val = array("000","050","100");
$val_name = array("Low","Medium","High");
$count = count($val);
$counter = 0;
while ($counter < $count)
        if ($val[$counter] == $priority)
                $selected = " selected";
        echo "<option

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