Try this.

echo "GET:<BR>";
foreach($_GET as $key => $value)
         echo "$key = $value <br>";

>>i know it could be a stupid problem, but i need a help and i hope u could be 
>>generous with me :).
>>this is my code, it writes the list of POST and GET variables. 
>>echo "GET:<BR>";
>>foreach($_GET as $parole)
>> echo "Parola = $parole <br>";
>>echo "<br><br>POST:<BR>";
>>foreach($_POST as $parole)
>> echo "Parola = $parole <br>";
>>i want to write also the name of the variable, for example:
>>if i call my page so --->  index.php?id=2&a=4
>>it writes
>>    GET:
>>    Parola = 2 
>>    Parola = 4 
>>    POST:
>>I want it to write:
>>    GET:
>>    id = 2 
>>    a = 4 
>>    POST:
>>how can I do it?
>>thx for any help.

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