On Tue, 2004-05-18 at 11:09, Ryan Schefke wrote:
> Can anyone suggest any good (free) domain name lookup scripts written in
> php?

This is short, far from perfect, but I use it to look for availability
and you might be able to adapt it - it also checks for a verisign hit
which is usually that stupid thing they did a while back where NXDOMAINs
were overriden and returned as advertising spam:

#!/usr/bin/php -qC

if( !isset( $GLOBALS['argv'][1] ) )
    echo 'Please supply a domain name!'."\n";
$domain = trim( $GLOBALS['argv'][1] );

$extensions = array
    'ca ',

foreach( $extensions as $ext )
    $cdomain = $domain.'.'.$ext;
    $output = `host $cdomain`;  
    if( eregi( '64\.94\.110\.11', $output )
        eregi( 'NXDOMAIN', $output ) )
        echo $cdomain.' -- free'."\n";
        echo $cdomain.' -- taken'."\n";

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