On Fri, May 21, 2004 at 08:04:00PM +0200, Torsten Roehr wrote:
> As far as I remember session.use_trans_sid does NOT work with forms (action
> attribute). Have you tried appending it manually to the action?:

Well, this certainly seems to be progress in the correct direction.
So session.use_trans_sid used to work with forms in 4.1.2 (I'm
suffering from an upgrade here) but no longer does?  This really

> <form method="post" action="xxx.php<?= SID; ?>">

This ALMOST works.  Looks like a seperator is needed.  I get:
   "POST /xxx.phpPHPSESSID=3a2c0413ec84a00e36ea0317c193ccb2 HTTP/1.1"

Do I want ?=PHPSESSID=<sessionID> or just ?=<sessionID> or what?


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