Stephen Craton wrote:

I'm in a bit of a pickle. I need to find out if a variable is a perfect
square or not, and this needs to test for decimal numbers as well, such as
2.25. The thing is, the only function I've found in PHP is
gmp_perfect_square() which isn't supported on my web server, and I don't
know how to compile the GMP code into PHP on my windows box. So, how exactly
would you go about finding out if something is a perfect square or not?

It's been a while since I studied this in math, so I figured I'd find out the definition of perfect square. What I found:

Neither of those definitions fit what for your example number 2.25. For instance,

$sqrt = sqrt($number);
if ($sqrt * $sqrt == $number) {
  //should always be true, except negative values and possibly rounding

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