Also checkout Textpattern (in gamma right now, with g1.19 due in the next few days, which should be pretty much perfect for everything I've ever wanted).

FWIW, it *is* standards compliant, has clean/smart PHP code, has a beautiful interface, an amazing support community, an awesome developer/owner (Dean Allen), nice plug-in architecture, role based permissions structure, unlimited blogs (actually, they're sections of the site with categories and sub-categories), so it's really a CMS the feels "bloggy".

And as of g1.19, Textpattern will be open source.

What it does lack (I guess) is maturity and an abundance of plugins. But on the other hand, it has everything you want (I think), right out of the box, and a great community to help you write plugins. At the moment it lacks message boards and things like that, but everything will be there eventually.

Even at this early stage, every other CMS I've ever used (and even the one I've spent a year developing part-time) pales in comparison. It may not do "everything" right now, but it will -- trust me. This thing will crush MT, Wordpress, and everything else out there, and will never cost you a cent.

I can't speak highly enough of it right now, and the future is very bright.

Justin French

On 31/05/2004, at 4:51 AM, Khan wrote:


I'm looking for CMS that have great administration part. I'm not
interested in site displaying, speed, HTML standards or anything like that. I just need stable administration part with modules:

- News with archives;
- Blogs;
- Some users Can be administrators of blogs;
- Link directory;
- Navigation with multiple categories and subcategories;
- Different news for different parts of my web site;

Web site will be very large and it will have almost any module that you can find these days :)

I like XOOPS [1]. I also have my eye on Mambo [2]. A friend of mine told me that Drupal [3] has best community and if not drupal that I should check EZ [4].

What do you think? Which CMS has best PHP coding standards, best community, most modules etc...

Any advice is appreciated.


If you know of some other CMS please send link. I know of but I'm interested in your opinions about project future, community etc.

--- Justin French

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