Cere Davis wrote:

I haven't been able to glean anything about this from the Oreilly books, php web site, or anywhere else so I am breaking down and asking on this list.

In other scripting languages like Perl/Ruby/Python (that aren't meant to live in the web environment exclusively) there usually have a web library that writes basic html form input html types for like radio_button(name,val) and checkbox(name,val) type functions. I can't see that php has this type of feature. Perhaps this is deliberate as not having something preset affords more flexability in a way, I just want to be sure I am not missing something... does this kind of thing exist in PHP? Thanks.


There are many libraries out there that do this sort of thing, it's just not distributed with PHP. Try looking in PEAR's HTML section for some HTML generating classes.


paperCrane <Justin Patrin>

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