Then you could set a hidden form variable <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="xxx" VALUE="etc">
or set a sesssion variable on the previous page.

>>Thanks all makes sense, but, if I add this:
>>I don't get anything back when the page is called?
>>"Larry E . Ullman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
>>> > I have a .php page I don't want anyone being able to just open it
>>> > unless
>>> > they've been through a previous page that is a disclaimer http
>>> > referrer etc
>>> > come to mind but not exactly sure how to implement it in PHP.
>>> Yes, you could check the value of $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERRER'] but that's
>>> not perfect. Instead, you could have the previous page contain a form
>>> with a special hidden input. The form is submitted to the protected
>>> page, where you check for that hidden input's value. If that protected
>>> page doesn't receive $_POST data containing whatever meaningful data,
>>> redirect them accordingly.

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