Hi Mike,

I'm not certain if it can be configured in a VirtualHost block,
though I know it can be configured in a Directory block (which
is equally as useful).

The problem I see below is you're using the wrong declaration;
instead of php_value, use php_admin_value, ie:
 php_admin_value include_path "...."

If that doesn't fix it, add a <Directory ...> </Directory> block
within the virthost declaration, and use php_admin_value there.


>-----Original Message-----
>From: Mike Zornek [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Sent: Wednesday, June 09, 2004 5:33 PM
>Subject: [PHP] Can I set a different include path per Apache Virtual
>Can I set a different PHP include path per Apache Virtual host?
>I am trying this:
><VirtualHost *>
>    ServerAdmin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>    DocumentRoot /Library/WebServer/Websites/stage/content
>    ServerName stage.asmpweb.org
>    ErrorLog /Library/WebServer/Websites/stage/logs/error_log
>    CustomLog /Library/WebServer/Websites/stage/logs/access_log common
>    <IfModule mod_php4.c>
>        php_value include_path
>    </IfModule>
><VirtualHost *>
>    ServerAdmin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>    DocumentRoot /Library/WebServer/Websites/dev/content
>    ServerName dev.asmpweb.org
>    ErrorLog /Library/WebServer/Websites/dev/logs/error_log
>    CustomLog /Library/WebServer/Websites/dev/logs/access_log common
>    <IfModule mod_php4.c>
>        php_value include_path
>    </IfModule>
>But I donšt think its working.
>~ Mike
>Mike Zornek
>Web Designer, Media Developer, Programmer and Geek
>Personal site: <http://MikeZornek.com>
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