My advice to you is to post this to the internals@ list. They will then let you know whether you should report it at and so forth.

Michael wrote:

I installed PHP 5 RC3 this morning and am having some mixed results. Specifically, every so often, I will refresh a page that loaded fine and fast the first (second, third, etc...) time around, and then for no obvious reason the script will eat up all my CPU cycles and time out (I have it set to time out at 30 seconds).

I am wondering if anyone else has noticed similar behaviour. Also, I haven't a clue how to go about debugging such an issue, and would appreciate any pointers.



BTW, I am running a Dual Xeon processor, 1 Gig ram, Red Hat 9, Apache 1.31 (I think that's right).

-- Regards, Ben Ramsey

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