"Eric Boerner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> I am having a problem with a nested if statement in php. Everything
> works fine, but it doesn't display the information that I am trying to
> retrieve using a second if statement.
> if (($fr == 'FR') && ($xe == 'XE') && ($co == 'CO')) { print
> "Statement";
> } elseif (($ag == 'AG') && ($rz == 'RZ') && ($sa == 'SA')) {
> print "Additional Statement";
> if ($sr == 'SR') { print "More Info"; }
> print "Line continuation";
> if (($rx == 'RX') && ($rj == 'RJ') && ($rr == 'RR') &&
> ($rd == 'RD') && ($ra == 'RA')) { print "additional information"; }
> // Everything works except this nested if statement - No php error, it
> just doesn't display the information
> print "</font></td></tr><tr>";
> } else { print "other information if false"; }

If it doesn't execute your code then the if statement doES NOT evaluate to
true. Have you printed out the values and manually checked them?

By the way, you don't need braces around each condition:
if (($fr == 'FR') && ($xe == 'XE') && ($co == 'CO')) {}
works also as:
if ($fr == 'FR' && $xe == 'XE' && $co == 'CO') {}


Torsten Roehr

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