On 15 June 2004 00:07, Michael Benbow wrote:

> Thanks Mike,
> I have read up a lot on permutation but I'm not completely sure that
> this will solve my problem.  From what I can gather
> permutation takes a
> sample (i.e. ABC) and tells you how many different ways it
> can arrange
> the letters, with order mattering.  What I need to do is take
> a variable
> number of groups (in my example, 3) and then display the combinations
> of ways that my sample (in my example, 2) can be spread across
> the groups.

Ah, yes -- sorry.  Something in your original post must have made me think you just 
wanted the number of ways, not the actual permutations.  (And, in any case, I don't 
think this *is* actually a permutation, so I think I was doubly trigger happy!)

> The example again is as follows..
> A [1][2] B        C
> A        B [1][2] C
> A        B        C [1][2]
> A [1]    B [2]    C
> A        B [1]    C [2]
> A [1]    B        C [2]
> A [2]    B [1]    C
> A [2]    C        C [1]
> A        B [2]    C [1]
> Think of the letters as being static amongst all possible
> combinations, and the numbers as the piece of data which is
> varying.  In my actual code both fields are integers but this
> isn't really important here.

I've been fiddling with this for half an hour or so, and I'm pretty convinced the 
solution is going to involve a recursive function.  However, it might help if you 
could say exactly what you want as a result: printed out (in a format similar to the 
above), inserted into a database (how?), or some sort of PHP data structure (such as a 
multi-level array) containing all the possible results?

Don't guarantee to come up with a final (or even an approximate!) solution, but 
knowing what you're trying to work towards would help...!



Mike Ford,  Electronic Information Services Adviser,
Learning Support Services, Learning & Information Services,
JG125, James Graham Building, Leeds Metropolitan University,
Headingley Campus, LEEDS,  LS6 3QS,  United Kingdom
Tel: +44 113 283 2600 extn 4730      Fax:  +44 113 283 3211 

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