Just noticed this today.  The following script:

$a = 2;
$b = ceil(3 / 2);

if ($a == $b) {
  print "\$a and \$b are the same.\n";

$foo[$a] = '2';

if (isset($foo[$b])) {
  print "\$foo[\$b] is set.\n";


Results in this output:

$a and $b are the same.
$foo[$b] is set.
    [2] => 2

ceil() returns a variable of type double.  In the above script I expected $foo to
become an empty array after calling unset().  But it seems that unset() will not
remove an array element when you refer to its key using a double, although isset()
will return true when referenced the same way.  If I cast $b to either an int or a
string, the unset call works.  Am I just missing the portion of the manual that
documents this behavior, or is this a bug?  Just thought I'd see if anyone had run
across this before...TIA

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