On Friday 18 June 2004 04:38, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> am baffled...I've got a function to email a message that works perfectly
> as a simple function.
> I've written it 2 ways, (1) using mail and (2) writing the message to a
> tempfile and then sending the tempfile to sendmail
> both ways work.
> Now here's the problem...when I incorporate this function into a page that
> gets input from an html form, creates sessions, checks for errors, says
> thank you and then emails the responses it fails. Here are the errors I'm
> getting for the 2 different approaches:
> Warning: error: mail(): Could not execute mail delivery program
> Warning: system(): Unable to fork [/usr/lib/sendmail -t <
> /var/tmp/FOOVFaqq2]
> any clues to what I'm doing wrong?

Is your functioning function functioning on a different machine to the 
non-functioning function?

Jason Wong -> Gremlins Associates -> www.gremlins.biz
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