it does REALLY worth it!
Install is easy, download only thoses packages you need,
extendable, stable...
The doc is sometimes a bit poor, but the basic are always easy 


-----Original Message-----
From: Will Merrell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: mercredi 30 juin 2004 21:22
Subject: [PHP] Is PEAR worth the effort?

I don't mean to start a flame war here, but I have been working in PHP for a
while now and am about to start a more extensive aplication. Some of the
PEAR modules look good and I just wanted to hear what the collected wisdom
out here thinks about it.

When I try to read the installation instructions my eyes glaze over and roll
up into my head. Before I fight my way through this learning curve I want to
know if its worth it? Is this the wave of the future or just a flash in the

Will Merrell

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