Here is my problem.
I have a file, static.php
static.php writes to index.html by way of...
$filename = "/web/h16/docs/index.html";
$fp = fopen("$filename","w");
fwrite($fp, "<table width=\"230\">\n");

If I hit static.php from the command line, index.html gets written just fine. 
static.php does it's job.

If I try to exec(), or  system() static.php from a browser the browser just hangs. eg. 

I add:
system ('/usr/local/bin/php web/h16/docs/index.html);
exec ('/usr/local/bin/php web/h16/docs/index.html);
To a file and get nothing. I tried with and without the absolute paths in the 

What I want to be able to do is every time I update a Db, at the same time I want the 
index page to be rewritten to reflect the changes in the Db. And I don't want to have 
to go to the command line everytime I want to rewrite the index page. So I would just 
hit "SAve" in the update.php page, it would save to the Db, which it does now, and at 
the same time it hits static.php and therefore rewrites index.html

I also tried header() but that was no good due to echo in the pages, gives that header 
already sent error.

Is there a funtion I am missing somehwere that does the job?

It's a Unix box running php 4.03, and the Db is MySQL

Thanks Much!!


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