On Sunday 11 July 2004 13:07, Karam Chand wrote:

> Sorry. But I just didnt remember the email addy so I
> took that way :).

Can't resist picking on this one. All posts to the list should/would have the 
list address in the To: header. It's not that hard to copy paste the address 
into a *new* mail. Anyway just add the list address into your address book. 
NOW :)

> Now, many of the ISPs blokc 3306 for security reason
> and you cannot access MySQL from a 3rd party tool and
> have to use phpMyAdmin which is able to access the
> MySQL server as it is running on the same box.
> Sometimes, SSH tunneling is also not the option :)
> Most of these tools use MySQL C API() or some sort of
> wrapper for it to connnect to the server and do their
> job. Instead of connecting directly to the server
> using:
> mysql_real_connect ( .... ).
> They callup the above mentioned PHP file and pass the
> query as a argument. The PHP file then connects to the
> local mysql server,executes the query and returns all
> the required data as XML or a pre-determined format.
> In the client side the app again assembles this data
> and fills up MYSQL_RES* structure, the main structure
> in C API() to work with resultsets.

Just a few points I want to bring up:

1) Any monkey can run queries on your server unless you authenticate the 
connection using sessions.

2) Your data will pass through the web in clear text unless you do your own 
encryption/decryption or use SSL.

3) Adding an access layer would obviously increase the overhead.

If this is for a mission-critical application then you really are much better 
off getting yourself a dedicated server then you can do whatever tunnelling 
you want.

Jason Wong -> Gremlins Associates -> www.gremlins.biz
Open Source Software Systems Integrators
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