Could it be that php files are not executed for POST method?

Michael T. Peterson wrote:
Per request, here are the two other source files that get executed prior to
the invocation of validate_member_login.php, index.php and init.php.

But first, here's a simple restatement of the problem:

(1) Direct the browser to open index.php
(2) init.php is included by index.php.
(3) index.php dispatches user to member_login.htm. User fills in username
and password fields and then presses the submit button.
(4) <form action="validate_member_login.php" .../> is invoked.
(5) The source code of validate_member_login.php is displayed in the browser
rather then being executed.

However, when the invocation sequence is:

(1) Direct the browser directly to member_login.htm and fill in the username
and password fields.
(2) Press submit.
(3) validate_member_login.php is executed properly.

Here's index.php.  Its purpose is to check the session variables to
determine whether the user is logged in. If not, the user is dispatched to
member_login.php via redirct using header().

Now, here are the two php files of interest, index.php and init.php. First,

include_once( 'init.php' );

 * If member is already logged in, his/her username and password values will
be available to us.
 if( isset( $HTTP_SESSION_VARS['session_id'] ) && isset(
$HTTP_SESSION_VARS['username'] ) )
    $session_id = $HTTP_SESSION_VARS['session_id'];
    $username = $HTTP_SESSION_VARS['username'];

    $result = authenticate_session( $username, $session_id );
     if( $result != SUCCESS )
          if( $result == MEMBER_NOT_REGISTERED ) {
               header( 'Location: '.MEMBER_REGISTRATION_PAGE );
          } else if( $result == PASSWORD_MISMATCH ) {
               header( 'Location: '.MEMBER_LOGIN_PAGE );
          } else {
               die( $result );
     header( 'Location: '.MEMBER_HOME_PAGE );
 header( 'Location: '.MEMBER_LOGIN_PAGE );

Here is init.php, the file that index.php includes (see above). This file
just sets up the exectution environment.

 * init.php
 * Script that initializes the execution environment.

// Check whether this is running on a UNIX or a Windows operating system.
// We need to know this to set the include_path separator character
// character correctly.
$isWindows = false;
$pathDelimiter = ':';
$operatingSystem = PHP_OS;

if( strcmp( $operatingSystem, 'WINNT' ) == 0 )
     $isWindows = true;
     $pathDelimiter = ';';

// Uncomment and use this symbol when publishing to the internet on
// Yields /home/mazamaso/public_html


// Set up the dev directory's environment variables.
$PROJECT_DIR   = $WWWROOT.'/northwest_steelheader';
$MEMBERS_DIR   = $PROJECT_DIR.'/members';
$SCRIPTS_DIR    = $PROJECT_DIR.'/scripts';
$GRAPHICS_DIR    = $SCRIPTS_DIR.'/jpgraphics';

$MEMBER_HOME_PAGE   = $PROJECT_DIR.'/member_homepage.html';
$MEMBER_LOGIN_PAGE   = $MEMBERS_DIR.'/member_login.htm';
$MEMBER_REGISTRATION_PAGE  = $MEMBERS_DIR.'/member_registration_form.htm';
$MEMBER_LOGOUT_PAGE   = $MEMBERS_DIR.'/member_logout.php';


// Establish the site's environment variables
define( 'DB_DIR', $DB_SCRIPTS_DIR );
define( 'DEBUG', true );

if( strcmp( $WWWROOT, 'c:/program files/apache group/apache/htdocs' ) == 0 )
     define( 'DB_NAME', 'wwwwwwww' );
     define( 'DB_ADMIN', 'aaaaaaaaa' );
     define( 'DB_PASSWORD', 'bbbbbbbbb' );
} else {
     define( 'DB_NAME', 'wwwwwwww' );
     define( 'DB_ADMIN', 'xxxxxxxx' );
     define( 'DB_PASSWORD', 'yyyyyyyy' );

ini_set( 'include_path', $INCLUDE_PATH );
ini_set( 'session.save_path', $PROJECT_DIR.'session_stats');

// These are the base includes, i.e., that apply to every php file in the
include_once( 'print_utils.php' );
include_once( 'mz_error_handler.php' );
include_once( 'db_utils.php' );
include_once( 'passwords.php' );
include_once( 'date_utils.php' );
include_once( 'session_control_lib.php' );

set_error_handler( 'mz_error_handler' );
assert_options( ASSERT_ACTIVE, TRUE );
assert_options( ASSERT_BAIL, TRUE );



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