I don't understand what you're asking.

If you want to return a portion of an array, simple return the element
holding it.

In your example:

return var1_arr;

Will return whatever lives in var1_arr.

Have a play around, you can see what a variable contains using print_r()

"Dennis Gearon" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> please CC me, as I am on digest.
> -------------------------------------------------------------------
> say I've got a class that stores the cookie/get/post vars.
> I want to retrieve say one of them.
> Say, that post vars  come back from browser as:
>     POST["var1_arr"]["dim1"]["dim2"]
> they are stored in
>     object->post_vars["var1_arr"]["dim1"]["dim2"];
>     object->post_vars["singleton"];
> I have the function
>     class->get_post_var($index_arr){
>        return correct, processed post var;
> }
> How can I get the function to return an arbitrary depth into the post
> vars array?
> i.e. EITHER
>     return $this->class_user_input_processing_function(
> $this->post_vars, $index_arr);
>  Where $index_arr contains either:
>     $index_arr = array("var1_arr","dim1_value", "dim2_value");
> -or-
>     $index_arr = array("singleton");

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