When setting up a site, you should:

A/ write a page with only the function 'phpinfo()' on it.
B/ Call the page phpinfo.php, and put it in your document root.
C/ Now tell us the location of your site so we can all view all your security information :-)

<wink> do only A above and see if you have 'magic_quoutes_gpc' on, then delete the page:


or, you can just do a loop on your GET/POST/COOKIE variables after testing if magic quotes is on using:

   'get_magic_quotes_gpc()' to see if you need to strip them off.

if( get_magic_quotes_gpc() ){
   reset $_GET;
|  while (list($key, $value) = each ($_GET)) {
     $_GET[$key]= stripslashes($value);
|    reset $_POST;
|  while (list($key, $value) = each ($_POST)) {
     $_POST[$key]= stripslashes($value);
|    reset $_COOKIE;
|  while (list($key, $value) = each ($_COOKIE)) {
     $_COOKIE[$key]= stripslashes($value);

Magic quotes is to prepare input for databases.

It **MAY** be possible to turn it off **BEFORE** the slashes get added in your '.htaccess' file using:

php_value magic_quotes_gpc 0
php_value magic_quotes_sybase 0

"Hull, Douglas D" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
<quote ----------------------------------------------------->
As John H told me (which is true) I should  run my words through htmlentities.  I have 
a textarea in a form for individuals to type in a list of words.  From there I place 
these words in an array and then perform calculations and echo the words back out with 
the resulting calculations.  But if one enters:    w'   my word ends up    w\'     I 
have tried using htmlentities in my array and other places (to take the slash out) but 
to no avail.  Here is what I tried when putting my words in my array:

$zchrpos = 0;
$tok = strtok($zwords, " \r");
while ($tok !== FALSE) {
        $toks[] = htmlentities(trim($tok));
        $tok = strtok(" \r");

Any help would be appreciated,
</quote ----------------------------------------------------->

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