* Thus wrote Jordi Canals:
> Ed Lazor wrote:
> >Am I the only one getting these every time I post to the list?
> >
> Everyone is getting it. But we cannot know wich address is giving back 
> this message, as it is not reported. Just we know the domain it comes from.

I've put in a request to unsub this whole domain. The messages
should stop shortly.

> I've already added that domain to my spam list and forgot lazy people 
> who does not unsubscribe from the list.

I've mentioned this everytime this topic comes up, and every time
it comes up, this solution is always given. And I'm going to say it
again... That is not the way to deal with bounced mails.

First, let me assure you that this is not one of those shady pyramid schemes
you've been hearing about.  No, sir.  Our model is the trapezoid!

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