Thanks for the good suggestion. It turns out that the call to
imagecreatefromjpeg succeeds when run from the command line and fails
when invoked via the web server. I guess it is a memory limit issue
of some sort. I tried upping the memory_limit via ini_set and while
my setting seems to take effect according to phpinfo(), the
imagecreate call still fails.

I am sorry if that didn't work , we are now outside my area of expertise. however if you are willing to use exec you might want to consider using ImageMagic this is fantastic piece of software that can do all that gd can do and many more things that gd cannot do.

So seeing that it runs from the command line, I tried to have php code
from the web server call a php script via exec().  This resulted in
some truly strange behavior.  It seemed that instead of running the
script I asked exec() to run, it ran the same php page that was being
served up by the server.  It's like exec was not actually launching
any new process, and I had the same trouble with system() and

-- Raditha Dissanayake. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ http://www.radinks.com/sftp/ | http://www.raditha.com/megaupload Lean and mean Secure FTP applet with | Mega Upload - PHP file uploader Graphical User Inteface. Just 128 KB | with progress bar.

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