On Thu, 17 Jun 2004 11:59:45 +0530, narender <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I want to start the execution of a script in the background at the time of user 
> login. In the script there is infinite loop which is checking something after every 
> 10 seconds and if it get true value the it open a popup window on the brower and if 
> the user session expires then it terminate the script.
>  how can I acheive this ?
> I have tried to do this by putting the script path in the img tag in th src 
> parameter but its not working. Is there any way of executing a file by means of 
> writing a command in the php script.

You *may* be able to start a script in the background, but once the
first request to the webserver finishes, you can't interact with the
file again.

I would say do the check on every page load and popup your popup then.

You could also add some JS to make a call back to the webserver (via a
hidden iframe) to check to see if it should popup.

You could also run a PHP script from cron that writes a file (to /tmp,
say) that lets a request know when to popup. On every request, you
check for the file and popup if it's there. I definate;y do not
suggest this one.

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