Posted this yesterday, still having problems.

I've used various combinations with --with-mysql. I removed all the old mysql binaries and libs from /usr/lib, /usr/include and /usr/bin. I removed the old from /usr/lib/php4/

I even went as far as upgrading to PHP5. It is still using the mysql 3.23 client API. I've upgraded the dev server and my laptop to have PHP5 and MySQL 4 successfully but can't manage to get PHP5 to use the MySQL 4 client API.

On Jul 20, 2004, at 6:47 PM, Jough P wrote:

Greetings all,

I upgraded to MySQL 4 on a Redhat Enterprise box. I recompiled PHP 4.3.6 and a look at phpinfo() reveals that the old mysql client API is still being used. So, I moved the to my home directory hoping that when did ./configure and make again it would create a new one. Doing an 'ls modules/' revealed that it hadn't.

So I changed --with-mysql-dir=/usr to --with-mysql-dir-/usr/local/mysql and ./configure stops and says it can't find the mysql header files.

Can anyone help please?   My goal is to get a new created.

Thanks tons!!

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