> I am writing an app and right now im working on code that will display x
> number of items on one page, and if there is overflow, provide a link to
> the next.  The url coming into the page looks something like:
> projects.php?action=view&completed=no&start=0
> My code so far, i just took the $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] and added
> start=newstart to the end.
> The problem is, i will eventually get a string thats very long, ebcause
> start keeps appending onto the end.  What is the easiest way to preserve
> projects.php?action=view&completed=no and be able to add start=somenumber
> to the end?

if you only need to pass 2 other variables, why not just build the
query string from scratch each time?

you could always do a string replacement on start=whatever instead of
just appending it to the end each time.

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