On Tue, 2004-07-20 at 23:08, Jason Barnett wrote:
> Ee wrote:
> > Dears,
> > 
> > In one of the tutorials I read about templates, the writer is diving the
> > code into multiple files. He put the menu, main, left, right, footer
> > each in a separate file. He is using foreach to go through an array and
> > reads all these files.
> > 
> > Is this a good practice?
> I use a lot of includes in most of my scripts mostly for logical seperation of 
> libraries.  So IMHO yes, that is a good practice.  However I wouldn't bother 
> using a foreach to include each file if I know ahead of time what files I'm 
> going to need to call.
> > Would this slow down the site?
> Absolutely!  Include(s) and Require(s) are some of the most expensive calls to 
> make, however that can be mitigated by using a compiler cache.  Google or check 
> the list archives for some "PHP cache" suggestions.

Is the compiler cache a function of the my web host or my code?

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